Would you like to become Certified to read
The Akashic Records?
What are The Akashic Records?
The records are a library of your soul - every thing, event, and life that you have experienced, since the time you took form, is stored here. It is not limited by space-time. They exist at the highest frequency - TRUTH and LOVE. Here is where you will find soul-level answers to your most burning questions, guidance and clarity within your life, relationships and career, and generational healing on a cellular level. This is the place where we can clear out any existing programming, interference and distraction preventing you from living in your highest aligned timeline. And best of all, you come back to your very essence - why you came here in this body, at this time. The more you explore here, the more you can discover; the more you open up to truth, the more you can create the shifts you want to see in your life.
Hi There!
Ready for something monumentally life-changing?
Throughout my own healing journey, it was not until I studied in the Akasha that I truly felt like I had come home to ME, my TRUE BEING, my ESSENCE.
When I came across Jennifer Longmore’s Akashic Record program, all of a sudden I came home to myself - what it REALLY felt like to be present in my body, to know how to honor this beautiful vessel I arrived here in, to be in the truth of my power and the power of my truth. This provided me with answers that had eluded me for years, and continues to support my human evolution.
We have the power to change our narratives. We are abundant with possibility, and it is in our power to create harmony within ourselves and in the world.
This online certification consists of 3 Levels
What's Included in Your Training
*Two full days of live online training for each level via Zoom
*Class recordings for reference (even if you cannot make it live, or have to miss a portion,
you will receive the same energies and activations)
*Comprehensive manual for each level as you continue to deepen your practice
*Bonus Q&A call 2 weeks after class completion
*Optional Facebook group you can join with others who are trained in this method, and a place
to connect with more soul family and practice partners
*Certification of completion for each level